Flex Time 101
Everything you need to know about using flex time in school to enhance your educational practices in an innovative and personalized fashion!
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Solve the time problem in education! Learn how flex time can enhance your school's culture, RTI practices, enrichment opportunities, and overall student success. Flex time is a block of time during the day where students can self-schedule themselves, using software, to meet their educational needs in an on-demand fashion. Flex time allows schools to create interventions, enrichments, extensions, and provide extra help sessions to students in a manner that meets the needs of your specific school community. Flex time has been seen to support increased achievement, lower disciple levels, and higher quality work being turned in. Flex time allows for balance in the lives of students as well as for teachers. Learn more now!
*You will receive a 2 hour professional development certificate at the completion of this course.*
- Data provided by two New England Schools
-Summer Sidewalk by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...) Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Your Instructor
2016 NH Principal of the Year Brian Pickering is a passionate retired educator who has worked in education for nearly 30 years as a teacher, coach, athletic director, administrator, and author. Flex time is an educational time model that came about following a simple conversation with a student who was trying to get help in a class in real time at Brian's former school. The solution that him and team of educators in that school created has taken off around the nation. Brian has also been recognized in years past as former N.H. High School Basketball Coach of the Year, N.H. Athletic Director of the Year and N.H. Special Education Athletic Director of the Year. His passion for flex time is allowing schools around the country to implement unique models into their schools in an effective manner.